Newsletter No. 378

4 No. 378, 19.5.2011 校 園 消 息 CAMPUS NEWS 災害與人道救援研究所成立 • Centre for Disaster and Medical Humanitarian Response 中 援思德、中大及牛津大學災害與人道救援研究所 (CCOUC)成立典禮,於4月19日假行政樓祖堯 堂舉行,牛津大學校長安德魯 ‧ 漢密爾頓教授、中大校長 沈祖堯教授及中援思德(CERT)緊急救援訓練中心總監 黃子威博士擔任主禮嘉賓。三方簽署合作備忘錄並進行揭 幕儀式,承諾共建CCOUC,並致力於共同發展科研及培 訓,以減輕災害給民眾健康帶來的危害。 漢密爾頓教授說:「最近日本發生地震及海嘯,致令許多人 罹難,這更加顯示我們必須盡力防患未然,並在災害降臨 時更有效地應對。」 沈祖堯教授指出,CCOUC將為太平洋內外從事災害及人 道救援的組織及民眾提供科研、教育及知識轉移的平台, 他感謝CERT緊急救援訓練中心總監黃子威博士的慷慨 資助。 CCOUC隸屬本校公共衞生及基層醫療學院,由陳英凝教 授擔任主任,將致力通過教學和研究加強社區災害應對能 力,並向衞生工作者提供災害救援培訓,使他們掌握專業 救援技能和知識。在災害來臨時,能向受災社區及弱勢群 體提供有效的緊急救助。 T he inauguration ceremony of the CERT-CUHK- Oxford University Centre for Disaster and Medical Humanitarian Response (CCOUC) was held on 19 April at Cho Yiu Conference Hall. Prof. Andrew Hamilton, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford; Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; and Dr. David Wong, director of CERT, officiated at the ceremony. A tripartite MOU was signed between Oxford University, CUHK and CERT, followed by an unveiling ceremony, which signified the commitment of all parties to the creation of CCOUC and its future contribution to research and training to alleviate the impact of disasters on health. Professor Hamilton said, ‘The recent tragic events in Japan, in which so many lost their lives following the earthquake and resulting tsunami, underscore the need to do everything we can to prepare for natural disasters and respond effectively.’ Professor Sung remarked that CCOUC will serve as a platform for research, education and knowledge transfer to community counterparts in the area of disaster and humanitarian responses in the Asia Pacific Region and beyond. He thanked Dr. David Wong of CERT for his generosity. CCOUC will be based in the School of Public Health and Primary Care in the Faculty of Medicine and led by Prof. Chan Ying-yang Emily. It aims to build capacity in teaching and research in the area of disaster responses, and will continue to provide training services to health care practitioners to equip them with knowledge and skill to facilitate effective and efficient medical care and immediate assistance to the local community as well as vulnerable groups. 英聯邦大學協會校長會議假中大舉行 • ACU Conference of Executive Heads at CUHK 2 011英聯邦大學協會校長 會議在4月6日至8日於香 港舉行,主題為「風險、校譽、 改革─高等教育於多變的環 境中開發新的業務」,一眾校 長就高等院校如何制訂未來 發展策略分享看法。三天會議 共有逾一百五十名來自二十二 個國家以及超過五十名本地 高等院校的代表參加。 4月7日的會議假中大舉行,中 大校長沈祖堯教授在致歡迎 辭時表示,是次會議為大學校長提供了交流的平台,分享 高等教育在全球化環境下面對各項挑戰的經驗。中大副 校長鄭振耀教授( 左圖 )以「中國高等教育的最新概況」為 題,講述國家實行的教育規劃項目及改革試點計劃的最新 趨勢,亦探討了主流大學的研究發展、內地高等教育的問 題與挑戰,以及國家的五年教育發展計劃。 中大學能提升研究中心主任麥嘉敏教授( 右圖 )亦於會議 上以「蒐集教學與學習成果以提升本地教學質素及促進 院校政策發展」為題發表演說。當日還有另外六位來自香 港、英國、馬來西亞和非洲的講者演述。 T he Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Conference of Executive Heads 2011, entitled ‘Higher Education in Hard Times—Risk, Reputation, Reform: Developing New Business in a Changing Environment’, was held in Hong Kong from 6 to 8 April. Organized by the ACU, and co-hosted by three local ACU member universities, namely, CUHK, the University of Hong Kong and the Open University of Hong Kong, the three- day conference focused on critical issues that heads of institutions need to know in developing their future business strategies. The conference attracted over 150 participants from 22 countries and some 50 guests from local higher education institutions. The conference on 7 April was held on CUHK campus. Speaking at the welcoming ceremony, CUHK Vice- Chancellor Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung expressed his support for the conference as it provided a platform for vice- chancellors to share experience on key issues confronting higher education in today’s globalized world. Prof. Jack C.Y. Cheng ( left ), Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, presented the session on ‘Update Review of Higher Education in China’, sharing the latest development in higher education in China pertaining to its major projects and pilot reform programmes, research development in major universities, problems and challenges in mainland higher education, and China’s five-year educational development plan. Prof. Carmel McNaught ( right ), director of the Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research, spoke on Data Management in the E-environment session and made a presentation on ‘Collecting Evidence about Teaching and Learning Outcomes to Enhance Local Quality and also Institutional Policy Development’. Another six speakers from Hong Kong, the UK, Malaysia and Africa made presentations on that day. 左起:陳英凝教授、醫學院院長霍泰輝教授、黃子威博士、漢密爾頓教授、沈祖堯校長,公共衞生及基層醫療學院院長葛菲雪教授 From left: Prof. Chan Ying-yang Emily; Prof. Fok Tai-fai, Dean of Medicine; Dr. David Wong; Prof. Andrew Hamilton; Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung; Prof. Sian Griffiths, director of the School of Public Health and Primary Care