Newsletter No. 378
No. 378, 19.5.2011 5 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 華南腫瘤學國家重點實驗室戰略峰會 • State Key Lab in Oncology in South China Strategic Summit 中研院院士訪校演講 • Academia Sinica Academicians Visit CUHK 中大人文學者參與創立香港人文學院 • CUHK Scholars Take Part in Establishment of New Academy 華 南腫瘤學國家重點實驗室發展策略峰會在4月16日 召開,二十位來自中文大學和中山大學的專家學者 聚首深圳,就科研工作交流,規劃未來五年的研究合作項 目,回顧及展望實驗室發展,並為下一次國家科學技術部 的評核準備。 T he State Key Laboratory in Oncology in South China (SKL) Strategic Summit was held on 16 April. Twenty key investigators from CUHK and the Sun Yat-sen University gathered in Shenzhen, exchanging research ideas and identifying collaborative projects for the next five years. The summit was an occasion to review the progress of the SKL and to do strategic planning in preparation for the next evaluation by the Ministry of Science and Technology. 為 加強中大與中央研究院(中研院)的學術交流和 合作,中大今年首度舉行「中央研究院院士訪校計 劃」。中研院副院長王汎森院士、歷史語言研究所兼任研 究員陶晉生院士及特聘研究員邢義田院士於5月3日至6日 蒞校訪問,並主持「院士講座系列」。 香 港高等院校人文領域的學者最近創立香港人文學 院,以形成強大而統一的聲音,代表人文學科發 言。該學院在4月18日舉行第一次會議,選舉出首屆執委 會,中大的Prof. David Parker獲選為秘書,Prof. Simon Haines也入選執委會。 Professor Parker說:「香港有許多優秀的人文學科研究, 常常不為人所知。香港人文學院的使命之一是做教育工 作,更加清晰地解釋和顯示人文學科如何令我們的社會 更豐富充實。人文學科研究可以令我們深入了解人類的思 維、信念和價值觀,並且令我們明白人的選擇、行為和對生 命的看法,背後有甚麼樣的參照準則。」 香港人文學院共有三十九位創院院士,來自香港政府資助 的八所高校以及香港公開大學。來自中大的創院院士還有 熊秉真、信廣來、科大衛、蘇芳淑、黃國彬和李歐梵多位 教授。 信廣來教授說:「人文學科的性質大都迥異於非人文學 科。因此,評估人文學科的學術水準或其跨學科研究的 方式也有所不同。成立香港人文學院可以令世人更了解人 I n order to establish closer partnership with Academia Sinica (AS), CUHK launched the first AS Academicians Visit Programme. Under this programme, three academicians from AS visited CUHK from 3 to 6 May for academic exchange. They were Prof. Wang Fan-sen ( left ), vice-president of AS; Prof. Tao Jing-shen ( centre ), fellow of its Institute of History and Philology; and Prof. Hsing I-tien ( right ), distinguished research fellow at the same institute. During the visit, they delivered public lectures at the Lecture Series by Academicians. The theme of the first ‘Lecture Series by Academia Sinica Academicians’ was history. Professor Wang talked about the history of 1911 Revolution; Professor Tao analyzed the foreign policy of Song Dynasty; and Professor Hsing gave a presentation on the resources for Han studies in Hong Kong. About 200 people attended the lectures. 文學科的獨特性質,並促進人文學科發展在區內乃至世 界的聯繫。」 I n order to form a strong united voice on behalf of the humanities, Hong Kong’s leading humanities scholars from all of its institutions of higher education has established the Hong Kong Academy of the Humanities (HKAH). The academy held its inaugural meeting on 18 April and formed its first executive committee. Prof. David Parker from CUHK was elected its secretary. Another member from CUHK elected to the executive committee was Prof. Simon Haines. Professor Parker said, ‘Excellent achievements in the humanities in Hong Kong often go unmarked. Part of the mission of the HKAH is also educational: to help explain and show more clearly how the study of the humanities enriches our society. This kind of analysis has the power to provide in-depth insight into why, how and what humans think, believe and value; it provides understanding of the underlying frameworks people use to choose, act and make sense of their lives.’ The academy has drawn its 39 foundation fellows from all eight of Hong Kong’s publicly funded institutions of higher education, as well as the Open University of Hong Kong. Other foundation fellows from CUHK are Professors Hsiung Ping-chen, Shun Kwong-loi, David Faure, So Fong-suk Jenny, Wong Kwok-pun Laurence and Lee Ou-fan Leo. Professor Shun said, ‘Most humanities disciplines have a distinctive nature different from other non-humanities disciplines. As a result, there is also a difference in, for example, the way to assess advance in scholarship or to structure inter-disciplinary inquiry in the humanities. The establishment of the HKAH is an important step forward in facilitating the understanding of the distinctive nature of the humanities and in forging a link between the development of the humanities in the region and internationally.’ 首屆中研院「院士講座系列」的主題是歷史學,王汎森院 士( 左圖 )從思想史角度探討辛亥革命的歷史意義;陶晉 生院士( 中圖 )講述宋代外交的特色;邢義田院士( 右圖 ) 則細談他在香港發現的漢代研究重要資料。講座吸引了約 二百名聽眾參加。
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