Newsletter No. 422

No. 422, 4.9.2013 5 首屆災害與人道救援暑期課程 First CCOUC Croucher Summer Course 在裘槎基金會的支持下,CCOUC 災害與人道救援研究所於7月22至 26日在賽馬會公共衞生及基層醫療 學院舉辦「裘槎暑期課程」,出席的 十七名青年學者及研究人員,來自 香港、內地、孟加拉、不丹、印尼、瑞 士及土耳其等地。 課程先由研究所所長陳英凝教授 和研究項目經理洪磯正教授探討各 種實地研究方法的優點和弱點,以 及在科技輔助下掌握災情的實時影 響,如何有助於人道救援系統。學員 隨後進行專題討論。 《歐洲急診醫學雜誌》總編輯Colin Graham教授、香港無國界醫生緊急救援應變組經理狄純娜醫生和人力資源主任 查卡博醫生,亦應邀作主題講座。來屆的裘槎暑期研究課程將於2015年舉行。 Sponsored by the Croucher Foundation, the Croucher Summer Course on Research Methodology for Disaster and Medical Humanitarian Response was held from 22 to 26 July at the Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care. The course was organized by the Collaborating Centre for Oxford University and CUHK for Disaster and Medical Humanitarian Response (CCOUC) and attended by 17 young researchers and postgraduate students from Hong Kong, mainland China, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Indonesia, Switzerland, and Turkey, etc. Prof. Emily Chan, director, and Prof. Kevin Hung, research manager, CCOUC, discussed the strengths and weaknesses of various field-based research methodologies, and examined how humanitarian system benefits from technology- assisted, real-time impact evaluation in disaster situation. Participants then went on for theme-based discussion. Prof. Colin Graham, editor-in-chief of the European Journal of Emergency Medicine ; Dr. Natasha Reyes, manager, Emergency Response Support Unit, and Dr. Rhitam Chakraborty, human resource officer, Médecins Sans Frontières, were invited to deliver lectures. The next Croucher Summer Course will be held in 2015. 探討氣候變化及挑戰 Conference on Climate Change Challenge 本校環境、能源及可持續發展研究所及美華海洋大氣學 會於8月19至21日假利黃瑤璧樓合辦第六屆大氣、海洋 及氣候變化國際會議,逾一百七十位來自世界各地的學 者和研究員,分享及交流有關大氣、海洋、氣候及地球科 學的研究成果。會議獲香港賽馬會慈善信託基金慷慨捐 助,並由中大賽馬會地球保源行動承辦,協辦機構包括 中大地理與資源管理學系及香港氣象學會。  大會邀得天文台台長岑智明先生、香港賽馬會董事周永健 先生( 圖 )、美華海洋大氣學會會長李占清教授和沈祖堯 校長擔任主禮嘉賓。  為增加社區對氣候變化的認識,地球保源行動於21日舉 辦「環境及氣候論壇系列」,以「氣候變化:全球挑戰及 其現況」為題,邀請不同範疇的專家一起探討全球氣候 變化的挑戰,並尋求解決方法。  Jointly organized by CUHK’s Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability and the Chinese-American Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, the 6th International Conference on Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Change was held at Esther Lee Building from 19 to 21 August. Over 170 practitioners, researchers and educators from around the world engaged in research on atmosphere, ocean and climate change presented their latest research and insight. The conference, supported by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, was hosted by CUHK Jockey Club Initiative Gaia (Gaia). Co-organizers included the Department of Geography and Resource Management of CUHK and the Hong Kong Meteorological Society.  The opening ceremony was officiated by Mr. Shun Chi-ming, director of Hong Kong Observatory; Mr. Anthony W.K. Chow ( photo ), Steward, the Hong Kong Jockey Club; Prof. Li Zhanqing, president of the Chinese-American Oceanic and Atmospheric Association; and Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK. On 21 August, Gaia held a public forum entitled ‘Climate Change: A Global Challenge and Its Latest Situation’ with the aim of reaching out to the wider community on the topic of climate change. At this forum under the Environment and Climate Change Forum Series, experts from different disciplines discussed the current situation of climate change and how to meet the challenge.  環球醫學領袖培訓計劃 MB ChB Global Physician- Leadership Stream 醫學院今年起推出亞洲首個「環球醫學領袖培訓計劃」 (GPS),重點栽培合適及具潛質的醫科生,以期他們日 後在醫療政策、科研或教育界,以至其他醫學科學界別 擔當領導角色。修讀的學生有機會到國際醫療機構如世 界衞生組織等單位實習,擴闊環球視野,並於畢業後往 牛津或劍橋大學繼續深造。 在今年錄取的醫科生中,醫學院迄今共甄選了二十二名 在香港中學文憑試及國際文憑(IB)考試中取得優秀成 績的學生。 醫科對學生的學習能力一向有嚴格要求,GPS學生甄選 更為嚴謹,其中學業成績佔重要的一環。是屆醫學院錄 取的GPS學生中,一人在中學文憑試中考獲七科5**佳 績,兩人考獲六科5**。至於在 IB考試中考獲滿分(即45 分)的有三人,考獲44分的有十人。醫學院將滙聚院內資 深的領導和科研精英,親授GPS學生,使他們能在創新 並富挑戰的學習環境下,師承卓越學者最先進的知識和 技術。 The Faculty of Medicine will launch Asia’s first elite MB ChB programme—the Global Physician-Leadership Stream (GPS) in fall. The programme aims at training medical students who exhibit qualities that can be cultivated to take up leadership roles in medical and health sciences, including clinical service, health policy, medical education, and cutting-edge research. Students admitted could have their internship at international health care units such as WHO to enhance their global perspective. They could pursue their graduate studies at top overseas institutions such as Oxford and Cambridge. Among the medical students admitted this year, a total of 22 top candidates from the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) and the International Baccalaureate (IB) examinations have been selected for this unique programme. As the Global Physician-Leadership Stream is intellectually demanding, one of the criteria for admission is academic merit. From the HKDSE applicants, one student with seven subjects at Level 5**, and two students with six subjects at Level 5** were selected; from the IB applicants, three students scoring the full mark of 45, and 10 students with 44 were chosen. Equipped with a large reservoir of leaders and researchers, the Faculty is dedicated to educating and nurturing global stream students. 左起:醫學院副院長(臨床)暨環球醫學領袖培訓計劃課程主任 胡志遠教授、獲錄取修讀GPS的潘卓基、曾綺慧和陳詩鎣,以及 醫學院助理院長(外務)朱昭穎教授 From left: Prof. Wu Che-yuen Justin, Associate Dean (Clinical), Faculty of Medicine and programme director of Global Physician-Leadership Stream; Mr. Henry Arthur Poon, Miss Tsang Yee-wai Rosanna and Miss Chan Sze-ying Coco, students of the global stream; and Prof. Chu Chiu-wing Winnie, Assistant Dean (External Affairs), Faculty of Medicine