Newsletter No. 422

6 No. 422, 4.9.2013 「中大五十 • 人」錄像系列網上開播 ‘CU50 • The People’ Video Series Online 「中大五十 • 人」錄像系列現已推出,內容圍繞不同年代的中大人,當中有塑造中大成為今 天面貌的先賢,有拓荒者,有矢志服務社會之士,有活出中大人文精神之輩,亦有具備金禧 校慶主題「傳承.開創」個性的人士。 已推出的四集縷述了創校校長李卓敏博士、盧瑋鑾教授(小思)、2009年諾貝爾物理學 獎得主、前校長高錕教授,以及吳恩融教授的故事。請到 cu50ThePeople ,或掃描以下QR碼,觀看精彩內容,感受中大人的脈搏。 ‘CU50 • The People’ video series features generations of CUHK members who have shaped the University into what it has become today: the trailblazers, those who have served the community with determination, those who have lived up to the humanistic spirit of CUHK and those whose characteristics signify the anniversary theme ‘Embrace Our Culture, Empower Our Future’. The first four episodes of the series feature Dr. Choh-ming Li, the founding Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Prof. Lo Wai-luen (Xiao Si); Prof. Charles K. Kao, 2009 Nobel Laureate in Physics and former Vice-Chancellor; and Prof. Edward Y.Y. Ng. To watch, visit or scan the QR code. 商學院推介全新中國經商網站 Business Administration Faculty’s New China Business Website 工商管理學院推出全新網站「中國經商智慧」 ( aspx ),方便用家尋找學院出版之中國研究刊 物、深入淺出的文章及短片、教職員對中國經 商趨勢的評論,以及校友的小型經商個案研 究。學院早前並就此舉行開幕儀式及「哪裏是 公司成立其亞洲區總部的最佳地點?」專題研 討會,會議之錄影稍後將上載至網站。 The Faculty of Business Administration has launched a new website—China Business Knowledge@CUHK ( www.baf.cuhk. ) to facilitate quick search on the Faculty’s China research publications, easy-to-read articles and videos, commentaries by its academic staff on China’s business trends, as well as profiles and mini case studies of alumni businesses. A launch ceremony was held which comprised an inaugural round table dialogue entitled ‘Where Is the Best Location for Companies to Establish Their Asian Regional Headquarters?’ The dialogue was videotaped and will be uploaded to the website later. 1995公積金計劃內各項投資回報成績 Investment Returns on Designated Investment Funds of Staff Superannuation Scheme 1995 基金 Fund 7.2013 1.8.2012–31.7.2013 未經審核數據 Unaudited 指標回報 Benchmark Return 未經審核數據 Unaudited 指標回報 Benchmark Return 增長 Growth 3.97% 4.23% 18.12% 16.63% 平衡 Balanced 2.97% 3.61% 10.99% 11.95% 穩定 Stable 2.09% 2.30% 0.30% 2.43% 香港股票 HK Equity 5.04% 4.11% 14.87% 14.49% 香港指數 HK Index-linked 5.20% 5.21% 13.56% 14.57% A50中國指數 ∆ A50 China Tracker ∆ –0.91% –1.14% –7.34% –2.48% 港元銀行存款 HKD Bank Deposit 0.08% 0.001% 0.93% 0.01% 美元銀行存款 * USD Bank Deposit* 0.09% 0.01% 1.10% 0.08% 澳元銀行存款 * AUD Bank Deposit* –1.96% –2.15% –11.42% –13.80% 歐元銀行存款 * EUR Bank Deposit* 2.22% 2.19% 8.72% 8.24% 強積金數據請參閱: For MPF Scheme performance, please refer to: Δ Δ 累積回報是由2012年8月1日之後的十二個月之回報。實際投資回報數值包含由iShares安碩富時A50中 國指數ETF﹙2823﹚的市場價格及單位資產淨值的差異而產生的溢價或折讓。在2013年7月該溢價增加 了0.78%,而2012年8月至2013年7月之十二個月期間溢價的累計增加為1.02%。 Cumulative returns are for the past twelve months from 1 August 2012. The return data include a premium or a discount between the Market Price and the Net Asset Value of iShares FTSE A50 China Index ETF (2823). In July, there was an increase in premium of 0.78% and for the twelve months from August 2012 to July 2013, the premium increased by 1.02%. * * 實際與指標回報已包括有關期間內之匯率變動。 Both actual and benchmark returns include foreign currency exchange difference for the month. 1918–2013 軫懷碩彥 我們永遠懷念利國偉爵士 In Memoriam Dr. the Hon. Sir Quo-wei Lee, Mentor, Benefactor and Friend