Newsletter No. 448

2 448 • 4.12.2014 請掃描QR碼閱讀講辭全文(英文版) Scan the QR code for the full speech (English version) english/speeches/documents/20141120.html 請掃描QR碼閱讀講辭全文(中文版) Scan the QR code for the full speech (Chinese version) chinese/speeches/documents/20141120.html 本科課程 Undergraduate Programmes 文學士 Bachelor of Arts 483 工商管理學士 Bachelor of Business Administration 606* 文學士及教育學士 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education 76** 教育學士 Bachelor of Education 33 工程學士 Bachelor of Engineering 408 法學士 Bachelor of Laws 58 中醫學學士 Bachelor of Chinese Medicine 28 內外全科醫學士 Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 173 護理學士 Bachelor of Nursing 235 藥劑學士 Bachelor of Pharmacy 31 理學士 Bachelor of Science 711*** 社會科學學士 Bachelor of Social Science 543 總計 Total 3,385 碩士課程 Master’s Programmes 總計 Total 6,414 * 其中一名畢業生同時獲得工程學士學位 Including one graduate who was simultaneously also awarded a Bachelor of Engineering degree ** 三十八名文學士畢業生同時獲得教育學士學位 38 graduates each receiving both the Bachelor of Arts degree and the Bachelor of Education degree *** 其中七名畢業生修讀雙學位課程並同時獲得工程學 士學位 Including seven graduates who were simultaneously also awarded a Bachelor of Engineering degree for a double degree programme T he Chinese University of Hong Kong held its 76th Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees on 20 November. Dr. Vincent H.C. Cheng , Chairman of the University Council, presided over the congregation and conferred 3,385 bachelor’s degrees and 6,414 master’s degrees. In his speech ‘Our Leaders of Tomorrow’, Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung , Vice-Chancellor, said university graduates are future leaders of our society and country. He encouraged them to learn from Pope Francis —to be humble, visionary and inclusive, so as to lead their teams, their organizations and their countries to the next level of prosperity and harmony. Professor Sung elaborated, ‘Humility empowers leaders like no other quality. Pope Francis said, “If we can develop a truly humble attitude, we can change the world.”’ Humility means living a simple life; not to be ruled by the materialistic world; being equal with the crowd that one leads; being willing to listen and to accept different views. For leadership to be effective and sensible, leaders need to be knowledgeable and visionary. They need to keep themselves abreast of the latest advancements in their fields, and be aware of the way the tide of the world is turning. Professor Sung urged the graduates to never stop learning, improving themselves, or looking out for opportunities. He went on to explain the concept of being inclusive using the words of Pope Francis—‘If you want to be a great leader, you will listen to people who may not be seeing things as you are. You wouldn’t mind to be surrounded by people who are not afraid to tell you the truth and offer you advices that you may not like.’ 中 文大學於11月20日舉行第七十六 屆大會,由大學校董會主席 鄭海泉 博士主禮,共頒授三千三百八十五個學士 學位及六千四百一十四個碩士學位。 沈祖堯 校長在典禮上向學生送上由衷的 祝賀,並以「我們的未來領袖」為題致辭。 他說在座的大學畢業生,是社會和國家 的未來,並勉勵學生學習教宗 方濟各 ,要 謙卑、博學遠見、包容,以於日後「領導團 隊、組織、國家,邁向更加繁盛與和諧的 境界。」 沈校長解釋:「謙卑賦予領袖的力量,是 其他領導素質所無法比擬的。教宗方濟 各說:『我們能夠培養真正的謙卑態度, 就可以改變世界。』」謙卑意謂生活簡樸, 不為物欲所驅,領導者與群眾平等,願意 聆聽和接納不同的意見。 領導者若想具見成效,明智有方,必須見 識廣博,目光遠大。對自己專長領域的最 新進展,必須了然於胸;對世界潮流的轉 變,也應敏於洞察。沈校長寄語畢業生不 要停下學習的腳步,不要放棄探究的精 神,不要終止精進向上的努力,不要停止 前瞻尋找機會。 接着,沈校長再以教宗方濟各的說話來闡 釋包容─「如果你想成為偉大領袖,就 要傾聽看法可能與你不同的人的聲音。不 要介意身邊的人敢於向你說出真相,並 提出逆耳之言。」 近萬學生獲授學士及碩士學位 Close to 1 0,000 Graduates Awarded Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees