Newsletter No. 458

4 458 • 19.5.2015 八名中大生獲頒創新科技獎學金 Eight CUHK Students Awarded Innovation and Technology Scholarship 社工系卓越督導獎 Social Work Exemplary Field Instruction Award 由香港青年協會主辦,並獲滙豐銀行 贊助及香港特區政府創新科技署支持 的創新科技獎學金計劃,本屆共頒發二 十五個獎項,中大本科生表現超卓,獲 當中三分之一的獎項,每名得獎者可獲 得高達港幣十五萬元之獎學金。 該獎學金計劃旨在嘉許傑出的理工科 本科生,並透過海外暫讀計劃、導師計 劃、服務項目計劃及本地實習生計劃開 拓他們的視野,從而鼓勵得獎人以科 學及科技作為終生職業。 於頒獎典禮上,沈祖堯校長獲邀在真 情對話環節中與得獎者分享他在香港 爆發沙士疫情期間面對逆境的經驗, 並勸勉獲獎學生要定立長遠的人生 目標。 應屆得獎者陳瓏也在真情對話環節中 與嘉賓交流。陳同學現已遠赴美國耶 魯大學分子生物物理和生物化學系進 行暑期研究實習。 社會工作學系於3月30日舉辦了「卓越督導獎頒獎典禮暨機構講座 2014 – 15」,向李麗珠女士( 右二 )、吳子樂先生( 左二 )及黃秀貞女士 ( 左三 )頒發卓越督導獎,以表彰三人表現傑出,在學生實習期間,促進 他們的專業發展和個人成長。當日活動由社會科學院院長趙志裕教授主 禮,逾八十名機構代表、實習督導、學系教職員、得獎者家人、畢業生及 學生出席。 The Department of Social Work held its Exemplary Field Instruction Award Ceremony cum Agency Seminar 2014–15 on 30 March. The Exemplary Field Instruction Award is aimed at acknowledging the dedicated and excellent service of field instructors in maximizing students’ professional growth and learning in field placement. With Prof. Chiu Chi-yue, the Faculty Dean of Social Science, as its guest of honour, the ceremony was attended by more than 80 guests, including heads and representatives of social service agencies, fieldwork supervisors, staff members, graduates, students and family members of the awardees, who were Miss Lee Lai-chu Leanna ( 2nd right ), Mr. Ng Tsz-lok Gary ( 2nd left ) and Miss Wong Sau-ching Dada ( 3rd left ). CUHK students have won a third of the 25 awards under the Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Scheme organized by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups with sponsorship from HSBC and support from the Innovation and Technology Commission of the Hong Kong SAR Government. They will each be awarded up to HK$150,000. The scheme aims to give recognition to outstanding undergraduates in science and engineering fields, and broaden their horizons through different opportunities, including overseas attachment programmes, mentorship programmes, local internship programmes and service project programmes. It is intended to encourage the awardees to pursue science and technology as their lifelong career. CUHK Vice-Chancellor Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung was one of the guest of honour of the award presentation ceremony. In the Heart-to-Heart Talk session, he shared his experience of facing difficulties during the SARS outbreak in Hong Kong with some of the awardees, and advised them to set long-term goals for their life. Mr. Chan Long, one of the awardees participating in the Heart-to-Heart Talk, has just embarked on his journey to join a summer research attachment in the Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry at Yale University. 校園消息 Campus News 獎學金得獎者名單 List of Scholarship Recipients 姓名 Name 課程 Programme 就讀年級 Year of Study 陳瓏 Chan Long 內外全科醫學士 MB ChB 三年級 Year 3 韓小澄 Han Siao-cheng Diana 內外全科醫學士 MB ChB 三年級 Year 3 郭偉業 Kuo Wai-yip 系統工程與工程管理學 Systems Engineering and Engineering Management 二年級 Year 2 林苹禧 Lam Ping-hei 內外全科醫學士 MB ChB 三年級 Year 3 李詩慧 Li Sze-wai 內外全科醫學士 MB ChB 一年級 Year 1 陸萃雯 Luk Sui-man 物理學 Physics 三年級 Year 3 謝非 Xie Phil-fei 內外全科醫學士 MB ChB 三年級 Year 3 葉志堯 Yip Chi-yiu 機械與自動化工程學 Mechanical and Automation Engineering 三年級 Year 3