Newsletter No. 458
458 • 19.5.2015 5 女子羽毛球隊三連冠 Women’s Badminton Team Champion for Third Year 中大隊在3月29日舉行的大專盃女子羽毛球決賽中與香港大學對 壘,最終以三比零取勝,連續三年獲此項比賽冠軍。教練湯遠明 ( 右二 )說,雖然中大隊被各界看高一線,但從來沒有鬆懈,而且比 其他人更努力。他說:「這種鴨子划水的態度,才是我們成功三年衞 冕的關鍵。」 On 29 March, the CUHK team played against the University of Hong Kong in the final of the USFHK Women’s Badminton Competition. CUHK players defeated their opponents by 3–0, making it the champion of the third year in a row. Mr. Tong Yuen- ming ( 2nd right ), head coach of the team, said that though CUHK had a strong line-up of players, they worked harder than others and never slacked off. He said, ‘We believe in working hard in silence and letting your success be your noise. This belief is the key to our victory for three consecutive years.’ 世界大學聯盟年度會議 Worldwide Universities Network Conference 中大與WUN CUHK and WUN WUN是甚麼組織?它與其他同類型組織有何不同? 對中大而言又有何重要之處? What is WUN and what distinguishes it from other similar consortia? Why is it important to CUHK? WUN是由來自十一個國家共十九所研究型大學組成 之網絡。中大於2011年加入,是中大首次參與以研究 為主導的學術組織。WUN以研究主導、促進跨學科合 作及培育年輕研究員為大前提,而聯盟內許多成員皆 為其國家內的學術權威。同時,中大與WUN擁有很多 共同研究興趣。大學希望藉此策略平台與其他院校在 教學及研究上推行多方面協作項目。 WUN is an exclusive network of 19 research- intensive universities in 11 countries. CUHK joined the network in 2011. Until then, the University had not formally been associated with any university network focused on research. WUN has a strong focus on research, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and nurturing early-career researchers. Many WUN members are well respected within the academic jurisdiction in their own countries. Besides, CUHK shares common research interests with WUN. The University is keen to make use of this strategic platform to engage in multi-faceted collaboration for teaching and research. 中大於4月25至30日假校園舉辦世界大學聯盟(WUN)年度會議暨研 討會。約四百位來自世界各地的聯盟領導層、研究員、管理人員、業內 人士、政策制定者及專家雲集香港,一同審視聯盟之發展,並制定未來 的研究計劃。多場學術會議於期間舉行。研討會以校長論壇作結,超過 三十位聯盟領袖及來自中國內地的高等教育領導層滙聚於香港中文 大學(深圳),一同探究中國以至全球之高等教育改革路向。 CUHK hosted the Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) Conference and Annual General Meeting from 25 to 30 April. The conference brought to Hong Kong 400 delegates comprising the network’s leadership, as well as researchers, experts, administrators, practitioners and policymakers from all over the world, to assess progress of the network, review and plan its research programmes. A number of academic meetings and conferences were also held during the period. The event ended with a presidents forum held at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, where over 30 WUN presidents and Chinese presidents considered the reform agendas for higher education in China and the world. 中大在WUN擔任甚麼角色? What roles does CUHK play in WUN? 大學一直積極參與聯盟中領導工作及研究事務。在領導層 面,中大校長最近獲選為WUN合夥董事會副主席,並將 於2016年出任主席,為期兩年。沈校長將會領導聯盟,制 定未來策略及發展方向。研究方面,中大與盟友合作逾三 十個WUN資助的研究項目。 The University has an active role at both leadership and research levels. At the leadership level, our Vice- Chancellor was recently elected as vice chair of the Partnership Board, the governing body of WUN, and will become chair in 2016 for a period of two years, leading the effort in setting strategic direction and vision of the network. At the research level, CUHK is engaged in over 30 projects supported by WUN and in collaboration with all members. 在校園內主辦會議有何意義? What is the significance of hosting the conference on campus? 我們能藉此提升中大的國際形象,並加深眾人對世界大 學聯盟的認識,更重要的是推動科研合作。是次會議促成 了多項有關人口遷移、公共衞生,以及數碼文化領域的研 究,不少中大教員亦有參與其中。 We were able to enhance the University’s international presence and the awareness of WUN, and more importantly, facilitate research collaboration. A number of projects in the areas of migration, public health, and digital cultures involving CUHK faculty members have emerged from the event. WUN提倡跨學科研究,能為我們的教員帶來甚麼機遇? WUN promotes interdisciplinary research. What opportunities are there for our faculty members? WUN致力促進名為「環球挑戰」的四大跨學科研究(氣候 變化、文化、高等教育和研究、公共衞生)。聯盟每年都會 推出「科研發展基金」(RDF)計劃,為成員院校教員提供 種子資金,以開展有關「全球挑戰」的科研合作,至今已有 三十多位中大教員以首席研究員或合作研究員身份參與 RDF項目。 WUN fosters interdisciplinary research activities in four key areas known as the Global Challenges (climate change, cultures, higher education and research, and public health). It runs an annual scheme called the Research Development Fund (RDF) which provides seed funding to kick-start research collaboration among members along the Global Challenges. Over 30 CUHK faculty members have so far been involved in RDF projects, either as principal investigators or participants. 學術交流處處長范瑞欣女士 Ms. Fan Shui-yan Shally, Director of Academic Links
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