Newsletter No. 458
458 • 19.5.2015 7 Photo by ISO staff 舌尖上的中大 CUHK f+b 西班牙珍寶船 Spanish Galleon 西班牙菜以用料新鮮、色彩鮮豔、香氣濃郁著 稱,海鮮、豬、羊是常用素材。不過,為了響應 「無綠不歡星期一」素食午餐計劃,晨興書院 餐廳推出的「西班牙飯釀茄子」是全素的,讓 我們吃得健康又環保。 餐廳負責人說,這道釀茄子製作需時,每天只 能供應十數客。做法首先將茄子挖去中心部 分,放入焗爐烤軟,將三色椒、番茄、蘑菇等與 珍珠米飯炒成餡料,釀入茄子中烤熟,最後淋 上茄汁和芝士粉,配上沙律跟吐司伴碟便大功 告成。 西班牙飯釀茄子的造型別出心裁:一片墨西哥 薄脆插在餡料滿載的茄子之上,猶如大航海時 代的一艘蓋倫帆船,源源不絕地運送着美洲的 寶物。如想增強代入感,不如取餐到餐廳的室 外長廊,在馬鞍山和吐露港的美景前享用,感 受一下撲面而來的海風。 Spanish cuisine is known for being flavourful and visually rich. Seafood, pork, and lamb are common ingredients. Nevertheless, in response to the ‘Meatless Monday’ campaign launched by ‘Green Monday’, the dining hall at Morningside College introduces the dish eggplant stuffed with vegetarian paella so members of the campus can enjoy Spain- inspired flavours in a more environment- friendly way. According to the manager, the dining hall serves only a dozen portions of the eggplant dish every day because the cooking method is time- consuming. To prepare the dish, first scrape out the pulp of the eggplant then bake the boat- shaped eggplant until tender. Heat a little oil in a frying pan and slowly stir in short-grain ‘pearl’ rice, bell pepper, tomato, and mushroom. This will be the filling. When the filling is ready, stuff it into the eggplant and put it in the oven to bake again. When ready, top the eggplant with tomato sauce and powdered parmesan. The eggplant is served with a salad. As a final flourish, a tortilla chip is stuck on the stuffed eggplant. This makes it look like a Spanish galleon in the Age of Discovery shipping treasures from the Americas. It is a good idea to enjoy the dish at the outdoor dining area of the said dining hall with the beautiful scenery of Ma On Shan, Tolo Harbour, and salt- scented breeze as your company. 變戲法似的3D打印技術 Creating Objects out of Thin Air: 3D Printing 去年12月,國際太空站上的太空人兼指揮官 巴里 ‧ 威爾摩 需要一把套筒扳手,碰巧站上沒有這工具。不打緊,他就用 站內的3D打印機打印一把,無須等待下次運補作業從地球 運來,才有扳手可用。 除了這件種尋常工具,航天工業也利用3D打印技術製造大 型物件。最近美國太空總署的工程師就以3D打印出首件全 尺寸的銅製引擎零件,那是能抵禦極度高溫和低溫的燃燒 室內壁襯套。 製造業的生產方式也因3D打印技術而改變。汽車業比大多 數其他工業更早應用這種技術,福特和寶馬早在1980年代 末已採用,那時候它還稱為「增材製造」。 汽車業在過去二十年探索了這種技術的各種用途—由製造 原型車至直接生產零件。寶馬以3D打印技術生產小型金屬 水泵輪,裝在賽車上。這種技術最適合用於小批量生產高精 密零件。 世上首台商業應用的3D打印機是在1986年發明,CNN最近 訪問了發明者 查理斯 ‧ 赫爾 ,他說最令他訝異的是3D打印技 術的某些醫學應用。 3D打印技術確實大大革新了醫療手段。現在外科醫生可以 用電腦斷層掃描資料打印出病人的心臟、腎臟和肝臟模型, 用來指導如何做手術。這些模型令醫生看得見實物大小器官 的真實形態,有助在手術前準確規劃。 他們也利用3D打印,為器官受損的病人量身訂做植入物。芝 加哥大學的研究人員為治療氣道有缺陷的嬰兒,根據每名嬰 兒的情況,以可由人體吸收的物料,用3D打印機印出訂做的 夾板。 3D打印也非常適合製造廉宜義肢。名為e-NABLE的志願團 體就專門免費提供3D打印的義肢,造福缺少手指或手掌的 兒童和成人。 有些3D打印機用特殊墨水混合生物材料和活細胞,打印出 活組織和小型的人體器官。這些活組織暫時是用於研究和 臨床前篩查,例如藥物試驗。長遠發展是可望利用人體細胞 製造出替代器官,供細胞主人所用。 3D打印行業的權威刊物《沃勒斯報告》在2014年預測, 3D打印業全球營收將從2013年的三十億七千萬美元, 到2 0 18年增至一百二十八億美元,2 0 2 0年前會超過 二百一十億美元。 礙於價錢,3D打印機暫時仍未普及至成為一般家庭的用 品。但如果想試試自製3D產品,也無須是太空人。中文大學 圖書館的進學園就有3D打印服務,供你隨時使用。 In December last year when astronaut and commander on the International Space Station Barry E. Wilmore needed a socket wrench which was not available on the Space Station, he just printed it with a 3D printer, saving him the trouble of waiting for the next resupply mission. In addition to this ordinary tool, the aerospace industry is using 3D printing to make something bigger. NASA engineers recently have used 3D printing to produce the first full-scale copper engine part, a combustion chamber liner that can withstand both extreme hot and cold temperatures. 3D printing is also transforming the way manufacturing is done. The automotive industry began using 3D printing technologies long before most other industries did. Ford and BMW started using it in the late 1980s when the technology was still commonly known as ‘additive manufacturing’. Over the last two decades, the automotive industry has been exploring the use of such technologies, from building prototypes to direct production of parts. BMW uses 3D printing to produce a light-metal water pump wheel for its racecars. The technology shows its greatest advantage in the production of small batches of high precision, high accuracy parts. The first commercially available 3D printer was invented in 1986 by Charles Hull . When interviewed by CNN recently, he said that some of the medical applications of 3D printing technologies surprised him the most. The ability of 3D printing technology to revolutionize medical care is indeed astonishing. Now surgeons can use CT scan data to create 3D-printed replicas of hearts, kidneys and livers to guide surgeries. These replicas allow surgeons to see the organ in its actual size and to carry out precise pre-operative planning. They also use 3D printing to customize implants for patients to replace damaged body parts. Researchers at the University of Michigan have used 3D printers to create patient-specific splints with ‘bioabsorbable’ material to treat infants born with defective airways. 3D printers are also perfect for creating cheap prosthetics. A volunteer organization called e-NABLE specializes in providing free 3D printed prosthetic hands for children and adults born with missing fingers or hands. There are 3D printers that use a special ink that can be combined with biomaterials and living cells to build living tissue and miniature human organs. At this point these 3D-printed living tissues are used for research and pre- clinical screening, such as drug testing. But developments in this area are heading towards 3D printing replacement organs from a person’s own cells. According to the Wohlers Report 2014 , an authoritative publication on the developments of the 3D printing industry, the worldwide 3D printing industry is expected to grow from $3.07 billion in revenue in 2013 to $12.8 billion by 2018, and exceed $21 billion by 2020. Though 3D printers are not yet a household item because of their prices, you don’t have to be a spaceman to try your hand at making your own 3D products. The CUHK Library offers 3D printing service at the Learning Garden. 字裏科技 Tech Talks
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