Newsletter No. 458
6 458 • 19.5.2015 宣布事項 Announcements 哈佛燕京學社進修資助計劃 Scholarship/Fellowship at the Harvard-Yenching Institute 哈佛燕京學社現接受本校人文學科及社會科學教員申請2016至17年度進修資助計劃。詳情 如下: 訪問學人資助計劃 此計劃資助教員前往哈佛大學進修或從事研究工作,為期十個月。資助項目包括單人來回機 票、生活津貼(以十個月為限)、醫療、聘請研究助理及參加學術研討會津貼。 訪問研究員資助計劃 此計劃資助博士研究生前往哈佛大學從事研究工作,為期三個學期。從事有關東亞之比較研 究之申請人將獲優先考慮。資助項目包括交通、訪問研究員津貼、生活津貼及參加學術研討會 津貼。 訪問學人資助計劃申請人須把申請表格及有關文件,經有關學系系主任及學院院長送交培訓 事務經理周偉榮先生,俾轉呈常務副校長考慮。申請截止日期為2015年8月3日。 訪問研究員資助計劃申請人則須把有關申請送交研究院助理主任蘇少嫺女士作內部篩選 處理。申請截止日期為2015年7月3日。有關申請表格可於人事處網頁( https://perntc.per. ) 下載。 哈佛燕京學社之代表或會來港接見經大學推薦、通過初部甄選之申請人。查詢詳情可電郵 至。 Applications/nominations are now invited from faculty members in the humanities and social sciences for the following two Harvard-Yenching Programmes tenable in 2016–17: Visiting Scholars Programme (VSP) This programme allows young faculty members in the humanities and social sciences to study and conduct research at Harvard University for 10 months. The scholarship will cover round-trip airfare, a monthly stipend, fees for health insurance, and funding for hiring a research assistant or an editor and for participation in two academic conferences in North America. 2015教學人員評審及相關事宜 2015 Annual Staff Review Exercise and Related Matters for Teaching Staff 有關教學人員「晉升/教授級薪金組別提升」,以及「退休/屆退休年齡後延任」的年度評審現 已展開。詳情可參考人事處通函編號(GC04/2015),或參閱人事處網頁( https://www.per . ) 。 The reviews on the ’advancement/crossing of pay bands’, and the 'retirement/extension of service beyond statutory retirement date’ for teaching staff have commenced. For details, please refer to the general circular (GC04/2015) of the Personnel Office. It is also available at the Personnel Office website ( tabid/72/Default.aspx ). Visiting Fellows Programme (VFP) This programme provides advanced PhD candidates an opportunity to do dissertation research at Harvard University for three semesters. Preference is given to those working in East Asian studies, especially with a comparative focus. The fellowship will cover round- trip airfare, the Harvard University Visiting Fellows fee, a stipend for a single scholar, and funding for taking an English Class or hiring an editor and for participation in two academic conferences in North America. Application forms are obtainable at the Personnel Office’s website ( https://perntc.per.cuhk . ) Nominees should submit a Summary of Submission (PO/SR3), also obtainable from the above website, together with the completed application forms and requisite supporting documents, with the endorsement of the Department Chairman/Unit Head and the Faculty Dean as appropriate, to Mr. Daniel Chow, Training Manager (for VSP application) on or before 3 August 2015 or to Ms. Vera So of the Graduate School Office (for VFP application) on or before 3 July 2015 for internal review. After the University has submitted its nominations to the Harvard-Yenching Institute, the nominated applicants shortlisted will be interviewed by an Institute interview panel in Hong Kong. For enquires, please email 校園消息 Campus News 醫科生奪「科學一叮」比賽冠軍 Medical Student Wins Grand Prize in FameLab Contest 醫學院三年級生 羅詠詩( 中 )在3月 14日憑出色表現, 在英國文化協會舉 辦的科學傳意比賽 「科學一叮」香港 區大賽2015勇奪 冠軍,並獲現場觀 眾票選贏得「觀眾 心水大獎」。 羅詠詩以「我們內 置的生理時鐘」為 自選演說題目,講 解人體內染色體末 端的端粒(telomere)縮短與細胞老化之關係。她將於本年6月代表香港到英國參加喬汀瀚科學節「科學一叮」 國際總決賽,與來自超過二十個國家的選手一較高下。 此外,物理系四年級生羅育庭( 左三 )亦在是次賽事取得第三名佳績;中大更以最多參賽人數,連續第二年獲頒 「最佳機構代表獎」。 Law Wing-sze Nancy ( centre ), a Year 3 medical student at CUHK, captured the grand prize at the FameLab competition Hong Kong 2015 on 14 March. The science communication competition was organized by the British Council. She was also voted by all audience as the winner of the Audience Choice Award. Themed ‘Our Internal Biological Clock’, Nancy’s winning performance was about the relationship between the shortening of telomere and ageing. She will represent Hong Kong to compete with students from over 20 countries in the FameLab International competition at the Cheltenham Science Festival in the UK in June. Law Yuk-ting Albert ( 3rd left ), a final year physics student, was the second runner-up in the competition. CUHK took home the Best Institution Award for having the highest number of participants among all local institutions for two consecutive years. 保育生物多樣性論壇 Biodiversity Conservation Forum 中大賽馬會地球保源行動於4月 24日在尖沙咀香港童軍中心舉辦 環境及氣候論壇系列之「保育生 物多樣性」論壇,邀請來自不同界 別的專家分享意見及觀點。論壇 吸引了一百四十名來自公營部門、 私營機構、各區學校和大專院校 等人士出席並參與討論。 是次「保育生物多樣性」論壇由 中大生命科學學院副教授朱利民 教授擔任主持,邀得漁農自然護 理署高級自然護理主任(生物多樣性)陳堅峰先生( 上圖 )擔任主題 演講嘉賓,其他嘉賓講者包括香港大學生物科學學院首席講師侯智恒 博士和開創綠家園創辦人左治強先生。 CUHK Jockey Club Initiative Gaia held a forum entitled ‘Biodiversity Conservation’ at the Hong Kong Scout Centre in Tsim Sha Tsui on 24 April. The forum as part of the Environment and Climate Change Forum Series, gathered experts from different sectors to share knowledge and insights on biodiversity conservation. One hundred and forty participants from public and private sectors, local schools and tertiary institutions were in attendance. Mr. Simon Chan ( above ), senior conservation officer (biodiversity) of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, was the keynote speaker. Other guest speakers included Dr. Billy Hau, principal lecturer, School of Biological Sciences of the University of Hong Kong, and Mr. George Jor, founder of Grateful Green Group. The forum was chaired by Prof. Chu Lee-man, associate professor at the CUHK School of Life Sciences. 照片由英國文化協會提供 Courtesy of British Council Hong Kong
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