Newsletter No. 481

工程學院全港大專生機械人大賽奪冠 Engineering Team Becomes Robocon 2016 Hong Kong Champion 十四位工程學院學生組成隊伍「巧奪天工」,於6月26日參加由香港科技園、香港電腦學會 及香港工程師學會合辦的「全港大專生機械人大賽2016」,在來自六間大專院校的十一支隊 伍中脫穎而出,勇奪冠軍、最佳工程設計獎及最佳團隊精神獎。 團隊製作了兩部機械人,成功完成運送螺旋槳並將其安裝於風力渦輪機的任務。他們將於 8月21日代表香港,參加在曼谷舉行的「亞太廣播聯盟機械人大賽2016」。 ‘Power Shuttle’—a team formed by 14 students from the Faculty of Engineering has won the Championship, the Best Team Spirits Award, and the Best Engineering Award at the Robocon 2016 Hong Kong Contest organized by the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park, Hong Kong Computing Society and the Hong Kong Institute of Engineers on 26 June 2016. The winning team designed and built two robots, which completed the task of transporting a propeller and mounting it on a wind turbine. They will be representing Hong Kong to participate in the ABU Asia-Pacific Robot Contest 2016 in Bangkok on 21 August this year. 商學院校友陪同唐氏朋友參觀博物館 A Visit to the Museum by Business School Alumni and Friends with Down Syndrome 商學院校友及企業事務辦公室於7月18日安排十五位校友義工,以一對一的形式,陪同十五 位來自香港唐氏綜合症協會轄下唐家軒服務中心的「唐氏朋友」,參觀中大賽馬會氣候變化 博物館,活動更獲得副校長許敬文教授(前排站立者,左三)參與及支持。 參加者對博物館內的多媒體互動展覽尤感興趣,在學生導賞員的熱心介紹下了解氣候變化 對大自然與人類生活的影響。中大商學院校友及企業事務辦公室行政主任黎麗文女士(第 二排站立者,許教授旁)感謝校友義工付出時間和愛心,希望藉此活動令社會大眾更關注 『唐氏朋友』的特殊需要,並期望能藉著校友網絡的力量,攜手把中大商學院的關愛精神傳 送到社會每個角落。 The CUHK Business School’s Alumni and Corporate Affairs Office invited 15 members from the Centre for People with Down Syndrome (CPDS) for a visit to the CUHK Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change on 18 July. Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Michael Hui (1st row, standing, 3rd left) supported the event by joining 15 Business School alumni, who served as volunteers on that day and accompanied the guests from CPDS during the visit. The participants were particularly impressed by the interactive exhibits at the museum. Ms. Florence Lai (2nd row, standing, next to Professor Hui), Director of Business Schools’ Alumni and Corporate Affairs, was grateful for the time and effort the alumni have enthusiastically devoted. Ms. Lai hopes that the activity would help to raise the awareness on the needs of people with Down syndrome and encourage more alumni from the Business School to participate in voluntary activities in the future. 中西醫結合醫學大數據實驗室 Analytic and Clinical Cooperative Laboratory for Integrative Medicine 中大及澳洲悉尼大學攜手設立「中西醫結合醫學大數據實驗室」,為數據科學家及醫學專 家提供嶄新的探索資訊平台,推動多方交流國際資訊科技、數據分析技術以及最新臨床研 究,以促進循證醫學的發展。 中西醫結合醫學大數據實驗室開幕儀式暨首屆研討會已於2016年7月15及16日圓滿結束。 開幕禮邀請了澳洲新南威爾斯省上議院前副主席何沈慧霞博士(左四)OAM-JP及醫院管 理局聯網服務總監張偉麟醫生(右三)為實驗室主持揭幕儀式。研討會邀請了來自澳洲、英 國、美國、中國內地及香港等多位中西醫結合醫學數據專家出席,共同探討如何將大數據分 析技術應用於生物醫學、中西醫學臨床診斷及科研範疇。 The Analytic and Clinical Cooperative Laboratory for Integrative Medicine (ACCLAIM), a laboratory for big-data research, has been recently established by The Chinese University of Hong Kong and the University of Sydney to serve as a platform for scientists and clinicians to share the best of information technology, data analysis, and clinical research for the advancement of evidence-based integrative medicine. The inaugural symposium was held on 15 and 16 July 2016. Officiating guests of the opening ceremony included Hon. Dr. Helen Sham-ho (4th left), OAM-JP, former Vice President of the Legislative Council of New South Wales, Australia, and Dr. Cheung Wai-lun (3rd right), Director (Cluster Services) of Hospital Authority. The symposium gathered more than 100 Chinese and integrative medicine experts from Australia, UK, US, mainland China and Hong Kong to share knowledge, experience and insights on the application of big-data analysis in biomedical science, clinical diagnosis as well as medical and scientific research. 上海專業研習計劃 Professional Learning Scheme in Shanghai 伍宜孫書院舉辦的上海專業研習計劃已踏入第四年,該計劃旨在讓學生體驗國內的營商環 境及企業的實際營運方式,今年繼續為同學提供到上海半島酒店、騰訊等企業翹楚考察的 機會,體驗前線工作及與管理層直接交流。在為期十天的研習結束後,同學們參加了由伍宜 孫書院及復旦大學志德書院安排的文化探索活動,認識上海社會的變化與發展、了解中國 企業的市場策略,並與該校的學生交換對兩地異同的看法。 Wu Yee Sun (WYS) College has been organising the Professional Learning Scheme in Shanghai for four consecutive years. This year, a ten-day professional attachment was offered to students of the College in collaboration with renowned enterprises, such as The Peninsula Shanghai and Tencent. Students were given the opportunities to acquire hands-on experiences with frontline operations and interact with the senior management of these major enterprises in Shanghai. The subsequent cultural visits were conducted in collaboration with Zhide College of Fudan University, which allowed students to learn more about the cultural and social change that took place in the city, understand the marketing strategies of enterprises in mainland China and exchange their views on the similarities and differences between Shanghai and Hong Kong. 07 # 4 8 1 | 1 9 . 0 8 . 2 0 1 6