Newsletter No. 481

優質教育基金小學英國語文網絡計劃總結發布會 Dissemination Seminar of Quality Education Fund Thematic Network on English Language (Primary) 受優質教育基金委託,由中大優化英語教學研究中心主辦的優質教育基金小學英國語文網 絡計劃,於6月13日在利黃瑤璧樓演講廳舉辦2015/16年度總結發布會。當日有逾二百二十 位嘉賓,包括教育局官員、小學校長、英文科主任、教師、家長及學生參與這項盛事,分享計 劃成果。 教育學院院長梁湘明教授(前排左六)在項目負責人及優化英語教學研究中心總監麥陳淑 賢教授(前排右六)的陪同下,頒發獎狀予參與學校和老師;優質教育基金秘書處教育主任 黃齊坤先生(前排左五)則為「學習編碼」比賽的得獎學生頒獎。優化英語教學研究中心期 望藉著這項比賽,提升小四至小五學生解決問題的能力與計算思維,讓他們有機會發揮創 意,為小一學生設計一款學習英文的電子遊戲。獲獎的小四及小五學生更即場以英語示範 他們的得獎作品,令在場嘉賓讚嘆不已。隨後,香港藝術學院高級講師陳玉蘭女士作主題 演說,探討如何藉著戲劇活動提升小學英語的教與學。 發布會的重點節目是並行分享環節,邀請來自核心和夥伴學校的教師,分享他們在電子學 習及英語拼音單元教學的成功經驗,並闡述如何在本計劃團隊的專業協助下發展校本課 程。最後,麥教授總結去年的計畫成果,並簡介本計劃於下個學年的推行重點。 The Dissemination Seminar of Quality Education Fund Thematic Network (QTN) on English Language (Primary) 2015/16, a project organized by The Centre for Enhancing English Learning and Teaching (CEELT) of the Faculty of Education and commissioned by the Quality Education Fund (QEF), was held on 13 June at the Lecture Theatre of the Esther Lee Building. The seminar has received over 220 guests from the Education Bureau as well as principals, English panel heads, teachers, parents and students from local primary schools. At the event, Prof. Alvin Leung (1st row, 6th left), Dean of the Faculty of Education was accompanied by Prof. Barley Mak (1st row, 6th right), Director of CEELT and leader of the QTN Project Team to present certificates to participating schools and teachers. Mr. Eric Wong (1st row, 5th left), Education Officer of the QEF Secretariat, presented the awards to winners of the ‘Learn to Code Contest’. The winning team of primary four to five students then demonstrated the English learning games designed for primary one students with the use of a computer software. The contest aims to strengthen the problem-solving skills and computational thinking competency of primary school students, enable them to unleash their creativity and introduce a fun and interactive way for primary one students to learn English. The audience was fascinated by the creativity and confidence shared by the winning team as they conducted the presentation in English in front of a large audience. Ms. Phoebe Chan, Senior Lecturer of the Hong Kong Art School, then delivered a keynote speech on the use of drama for the enhancement of ESL learning and teaching among teachers and students in primary schools. The seminar also featured two parallel sharing sessions, in which members of the Core and Partner Schools shared their successful experiences on developing school- based learning and teaching materials on e-Learning and Phonics with the professional support of the CUHK QTN project team. Towards the end of the Seminar, Prof. Mak delivered the closing remarks regarding the objectives of QTN project in the new academic year. 「一專一村」團隊助內地貧困農村建現代竹橋 First Modern Bamboo Bridge in Rural China 姚連生建築學教授吳恩融教授(前排左二)領導的「一專一村」團隊,利用南方盛產的毛竹, 將傳統竹橋的設計加以提升,短短兩個月便於重慶渝北區小五村建成中國第一座農村現代 竹橋—「一心橋」,解決當地貧困村民過河的問題。 當地村民原本只靠一塊低矮的石板過河,存在極大的安全隱患。曾有一位老人走石板橋過 河時,被河水沖走而亡。「一心橋」不但讓當地村民能安全便利地渡河,更成為村民閒話家 常、乘涼休憩之處。一位八十九歲的村民表示,活了一輩子,沒想到隨處可見的竹子能發揮 如此大的功用。 「一心橋」為拱式竹廊橋,可供三十人同時通行,佇立在綠樹掩映中,與當地自然環境融為 一體。中國南方毛竹資源豐富,可以就地取材,而且竹子的生長週期只需三至五年,相比常 見的鋼筋混凝土結構環保、污染少,造價較低。團隊以可持續發展理念及現代力學知識,為 現代竹橋建設起了重要的示範作用。 完成第一座「一心橋」後,第二座「一心橋」的籌備工作隨即展開。吳恩融教授表示:「『一專 一村』計劃期望在不斷實踐的過程中,能夠改善竹材加工處理及成型的技術,設計一套各 地農村皆宜的竹橋方式,惠及更多內地農村村民。我們亦會於內地建立工場作培訓基地, 培養人才之餘亦方便生產施工。」 The ‘One University One Village’ team led by Prof. Ng Yan-yung Edward (1st row, 2nd left), Yao Ling Sun Professor of Architecture, has recently constructed the first modern bamboo bridge—Yi Xin Qiao—in a rural village of the Chongqing province by using moso bamboo commonly found in southern China. The team has successfully enhanced the traditional bridge-building techniques and completed the construction within two months. Before the new bridge was built, villagers risked their lives crossing the river everyday. An old man was reported to have drowned when he was crossing the river with a stone board. The Yi Xin Qiao not only provides a safe and convenient way of river-crossing for the villagers, but also offers a public space for them to gather and rest. An 89-year-old villager said that he had never expected a modern a modern bridge could be made of ubiquitous raw materials. The modern bamboo bridge is a covered arch-bridge with the capacity of holding thirty people at a time. Standing amid the shadows of trees, the bridge appears in harmony with the surrounding natural environment. The moso bamboo only needs three to five years to become fully grown. It is more environmentally friendly, less polluting, and cheaper than the common steel and concrete structures. Incorporating the concepts of sustainability and functionality, the Yi Xin Qiao has not only solved the problem of river-crossing for under-privileged villagers, but also served as a reference for the building of modern bamboo bridges in mainland China. Following the completion of the first Yi Xin Qiao project, preparation for the second modern bamboo bridge will commence soon. Prof. Ng said, ‘“The One University One Village” program aims to improve the processing and shaping techniques of bamboo material through practice. It is hoped that a standardized method of bamboo-bridge building would be developed in mainland China. We will also set up workshops to train bridge builders and to provide the workers a convenient space for production and construction.’ 08 # 4 8 1 | 1 9 . 0 8 . 2 0 1 6 NSL_481_20160817.indd 8 17/8/16 4:52 pm