Information Services Office   19.8.2011


Newsletter No. 381 > Feature > At Uganda, We Care, We Share > A Leap of Faith—Where He Wants Me? (Sharon Tsang)

A Leap of Faith—Where He Wants Me? (Sharon Tsang)


Every so often in life we have chances to experience God in a real and lasting way. Those are the times when we trust in Him and step out in faith, out of our comfort zone and into an unknown of anxiety. I felt a little caught up in my studies and I felt like it was time to open my eyes to have my life flipped upside down for a while and share what God has given me.    

Uganda is a place full of warmth and love that instantly makes you feel part of something special. The Watoto ministers, house moms, kids, young men and women we met were such inspirational gifts. The kids and house moms would always seem to find us just when we needed it most and give us a hug. During my first week in Kampala, I asked one of the kids why they are so happy. He said that they are happy because they have everything they want. This was shocking considering this kid comes from a family that suffers greatly and he only has a few pairs of clothes.

While we were on the way up north to Gulu, I saw life in a raw and poverty-stricken form. However, through every crack of hardship and despair, there is hope and love deep in the eyes of every face, every smile, every hug, song, and prayer. The tragedies they have lived through will never leave them. But they leave the past in the past, embrace the moment, and look forward to the future with an unshakable faith. That always reminds me as to why and what we are doing. I have been enfolded in countless blessings and unconditional love from my family and friends along the way. Doctors hold the gift of life in their hands. I am seeking the training to be able to share that gift to everyone who seeks from me.

I am thankful for my opportunity abroad. When our trip was over, we were changed, impacted and touched deeply. We laughed, worked, loved and were loved by our Ugandan friends. I am returning home with a bag full of memories from the kid’s hugs and laughter, shower in total darkness, itching enough bug bites and recognizing a new-found humbleness for the blessings in my life—including my family to things like water and electricity. My experience of Uganda is still limited but my experience of the Ugandan spirit is much greater. It makes me humble to work with these great people. The truly hardest part was saying goodbye to all the amazing kids and babies in the Watoto villages, our team host and our boy Henry! It was a wonderful trip and we are already missing our new friends and hoping that God blesses us with the chance to see them all again in the near future.

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