Newsletter No. 242

Profiles of H 二零零四年度 陳黃穗女士 Mrs. Chan Wong Shui, Pamela 陳黃穗女士現任香港消費者委員會總幹事,是傑出 的社會工作者,也是崇基學院的傑出校友。 陳女士熱心公益,尤其關注香港社會的發展,肩負 多項公職,曾獲選為「十大傑出青年」,當選國際消費者 聯會會長,一九九八年更獲香港特別行政區政府頒授銅 紫荊星章。 陳女士中大畢業後,三十多年來一直與母校保持緊 密聯繫,一九八七年起捐贈黃福鑾紀念獎學金予崇基學 院,又曾主持崇基四十周年校慶傑出校友講座和擔任崇 基學長計劃之學長,去年更積極參與籌辦中大四十周年 校慶活動。陳女士為母校獻出寳貴時間並提供許多寶貴 意見,進而熱心拓展書院及大學的社會網絡,大力推動 母校的發展。 Mrs. Pamela Chan is the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Consumer Council, a distinguished social worker, and an outstanding alumna of Chung Chi College. Mrs. Chan graduated from the CUHK Department of Social Work in 1968. She joined the Hong Kong Consumer Council as its Chief Executive i n 1985. Mrs. Chan is dedicated to community services and social development i n Hong Kong. In 1979, she received the Ten Outstanding Young Persons Award. She was President of Consumers International from 1997 to 2000. In recognition of her contribution to the protection of consumer rights, Mrs. Chan was awarded the Bronze Bauhinia Star by the Government of HKSAR i n 1998, and a Gold Award by the China Consumer Association in 2000. Since her graduation in 1968, Mrs. Chan has maintained close ties w i t h her alma mater. She has made generous donations to the Wong Fook Luen Memorial Scholarships of Chung Chi College since 1987. From 2000 to 2003, Mrs. Chan was a mentor of Chung Chi's Mentorship Programme. She also participated enthusiastically i n the organization of the University's 40th anniversary celebrations i n 2003. Over the years, Mrs. Chan has contributed her time and effort generously to the advancement of both Chung Chi College and The Chinese University. 陳曾燾博士 Dr. Chen Tseng Tao, Thomas 陳曾燾博士為本港知名企業家及地產界翹楚,是恒 隆有限公司創辦人之一,對香港的經濟繁榮,工商業蓬 勃發展,功不可沒。 陳博士十分熱心服務社會,對促進本港房地產建設 及市區重建更是不遺餘力。他是香港工商專業聯會信託 委員會委員,並曾任香港中央結算有限公司主席、期貨 交易所提名委員會主席、香港聯合交易所理事、基本法 諮詢委員會委員、地產建設商會副會長、土地建設諮詢 委員會地產小組及土地發展公司籌備工作小組成員,以 及臨時機場管理局成員。 陳博士對香港以至中國的敎育發展亦十分關注,兼 任多個敎育圑體的校董會或顧問委員會成員,對大專敎 育貢獻至鉅。他對聯合書院尤其鼎力支持,一九九一年 起擔任聯合書院校董,一九九六年起更出任聯合書院基 金會委員,大力推動書院的發展。此外,陳博士歷年來 熱心協助大學及聯合書院在學術及科研等多方面發展, 改善敎學設施,包括斥巨資贊助中大香港癌症研究所開 展各項專科服務及研究,和建設思源文娛中心。 Dr. Thomas Chen is a renowned entrepreneur and leading property developer i n Hong Kong. As a founder of the Hang Lung Group, Dr. Chen served as a member of the Group's Board of Directors, as well as its Managing Director and Chairman between 1960 and 1990. Dr. Chen has been enthusiastic i n the promotion of local property development and urban renewal. He is equally committed to public and community service. He is currently a member of the Board of Trustees of the Business and Professionals Federation of Hong Kong, and has been an adviser to many education bodies i n Hong Kong and mainland China. He has contributed immensely to academic development programmes at CUHK and the improvement of facilities at United College. In 1991, he donated a substantial sum to sponsor the University's Hong Kong Cancer Institute to develop specialist services and research. More recently. United College received generous donations from Dr. Chen via the Si Yuan Foundation to bu i ld the Si Yuan Amenities Centre and the Si Yuan Amphitheatre on its campus. 李明逵先生 Mr. Lee Ming Kwai 警務處處長李明達先生是新亞書院的傑出校友,迄 今服務警隊三十二年,表現卓越,屢獲嘉許。 李先生曾獲頒行政長官公共服務獎狀,香港警察長 期服務獎章、第一及第二加敍勳扣,女皇警察獎章,殖 民地警察勞績獎章及指揮官嘉獎等。 李先生大學畢業後,一直與中大及新亞書院保持密 切聯繁,特別大力支持新亞書院學長計劃,復協助新亞 書院及大學拓展社會網絡,去年十二月四日更以主禮嘉 賓身分出席新亞書院第五十二届畢業典禮並向畢業生致 辭。李先生多年來為大學及新亞書院的發展,作出了寶 貴的貢獻。 Mr. Lee M i ng Kwai, Commissioner of Police, is a distinguished alumnus of New Asia College. Mr. Lee joined the Hong Kong Police Force i n 1972 as a Probationary Inspector. In 2001, he was promoted to Deputy Commissioner of Police, and assigned the duties of Deputy Commissioner of Police (Management) and Deputy Commissioner of Police (Operations). Mr. Lee became Commissioner of Police i n December 2003. Mr. Lee's outstanding performance during his 32 years of service i n the Force has won h im numerous awards, including the Chief Executive's Commendation for Government Service. Mr. Lee has maintained close connections w i th CUHK and New Asia College since his graduation. He has been most supportive of the college's Mentorship Programme. Throughout the years, Mr. Lee has also made generous contributions of his precious time and knowledge to help extend the community network of the University and New Asia College. 4 No. 242 4th June 2004