Newsletter No. 242

ary Fellows 2 0 0 4 榮譽院士簡介 彭玉榮先生 Mr. Pang YukWing,Joseph 彭玉榮先生是崇基學院及工商管理碩士課程的傑出校 友,現為東亞銀行有限公司執行董事兼副行政總裁。 彭先生為本港卓越的銀行家及社會俊彥,熱心公益, 對社會回饋良多。他參與多項公職,包括香港銀行學會 副會長,懲敎署人員子女敎育信託基金投資顧問委員會 主席,職業訓練局的銀行及金融業訓練委員會主席,香 港應用科技研究院有限公司董事,槓桿式外匯仲裁委員 會委員,證券及期貨事務監察委員會程序覆檢委員會委 員,以及投訴警方獨立監察委員會觀察員等。此外,他 亦曾任破產欠薪保障基金委員會委員及公務員薪俸及服 務條件常務委員會委員等職務。 彭先生曾任崇基學院五十周年校慶晚宴籌備委員會主 席,出任崇基學長計劃之學長,為中大及崇基學院作出 了寶貴的貢獻,在協助和支持大學的發展,拓展書院和 大學的社會支援網絡等方面,尤其顯著。去年中大四十 周年校慶晚宴及各項慶祝活動,亦獲彭先生大力支持, 得以順利舉行。 Mr. Joseph Pang is a distinguished alumnus of Chung Chi College. He is currently Executive Director and Deputy Chief Executive of The Bank of East Asia Limited. A n outstanding banker heavily involved i n public services, Mr. Pang has taken on various public roles including Vice-President of the Hong Kong Institute of Bankers, Chairman of the Correctional Services Children's Education Trust Investment Advisory Board, and Chairman of the Banking and Finance Industry Training Board of the Vocational Training Council. Over the years, Mr. Pang has given his time and expertise generously for the development of Chung Chi College and the University, and helped extend the network of his alma mater. In 2001, he served as chairman of the Chung Chi College 50th Anniversary Banquet Organizing Committee. He has also served as a mentor of the college's Mentorship Programme since 2001. Thanks to Mr. Pang's unstinting support, the CUHK 40th Anniversary Banquet and other celebration programmes last year achieved great success. Prof. John Nelson Tarn Prof. John Nelson Tarn 是成就卓越的建築學敎授,在 國際建築界享有崇高聲譽,曾獲多個英國專業學會頒授院 士銜,包括 Royal Institute of British Architects、Royal Historical Society、Royal Society of Arts 及 Society of Antiquaries of London。 Prof. Tarn 曾任英國利物浦大學建築學講座敎授, Roscoe 建築學講座敎授,大學副校長及署理校長;一九九 九年榮休後,再獲委為利物浦大學的榮休講座敎授,在建 築學敎育卓有成就,桃李滿門,對英國建築界的發展亦貢 獻至鉅。 香港中文大學建築學系成立以來,一直得到 Prof. Tarn 的大力支持,並不斷提供寶貴意見。該系建築學敎 育諮詢委員會於一九八八年成立,他即出任委員,並於一 九九二至二零零二年間出任委員會主席,不僅協助該系打 下了穩固基礎,也推動了該系的迅速發展。此外,他還一 直擔任校外評審委員,就中大建築學系的發展提出指導性 的意見。 Prof. John Tarn is a much respected professor of architecture who has achieved high acclaim i n his profession. He is an Associate of the Royal Institute of British Architects and a Fellow of many prestigious academic and professional societies. Prof. Tarn was the Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Acting Vice-Chancellor of the University of Liverpool from 1973 to 1999. He is currently an Emeritus Professor of the University of Liverpool. Prof. Tarn has made significant contributions to the architecture profession in the UK. He has served in the Royal Institute of British Architects, as Chairman of the Architects' Registration Council of the UK, and President of the Liverpool Architectural Society. Prof. Tarn served as member of The Chinese University's Architecture Academic Advisory Committee as soon as the Committee was established i n 1988 and took up chairmanship of the Committee from 1992 to 2002. Under his able leadership, the Committee guided the launch of the University's architecture programme and brought about its phenomenal growth. Prof. Tarn has been External Assessor of the Department of Architecture since 1990. 容拱興博士 Dr. Yung Kung Hing 容拱興博士是崇基學院的傑出校友,一九六九年出 任中大生物系講師並兼任系主任,其後獲委為崇基學院 輔導主任,一九九六年榮休後,繼續為中大服務,擔任 崇基學院資深導師至今。 容博士不但受學生愛戴,更熱心助人,扶掖後進。 多年來致力推動崇基的各項發展,曾出任院務委員會委 員、敎務委員會委員、校園環境委員會委員及走讀生舍 堂委員會委員等,又為崇基學院創設了英語及普通話桌 以及語文學習團,供學生到外地學習語文。榮休後,容 博士依然積極協助崇基推動學生交流活動和學術發展計 劃,對多項校園美化及改善工程也親力親為,不遺餘 力,深受師生敬佩。 Dr. Yung Kung H i ng is a distinguished alumnus of Chung Chi College. He taught in the Department of Biology of CUHK for 27 years. Since his retirement i n 1996, he has served as Senior College Tutor of Chung Chi. Dr. Yung joined the University i n 1969 as Lecturer and Chairman of the Department of Biology. He was later promoted to Senior Lecturer and served as the Dean of Students of Chung Chi College. Over the years. Dr. Yung has contributed significantly to the development of Chung Chi College. To enhance students' language ability and interest i n learning Chinese and English, he pioneered English and Putonghua Tables, as well as language enhancement study tour programmes. In recent years, especially after his retirement, Dr. Yung has continued to render services to Chung Chi in areas such as student development, academic programmes and campus improvement projects. Many important building and development projects on Chung Chi campus were realized under his close supervision. His devotion to the well-being of the college and its students is we ll appreciated by fellow staff members and students alike. 4 第二四二期 二零零四年六月四日