Newsletter No. 322

第322期 2008年9月4日 No. 322 4 September 2008 京港連線 齊為奧運打氣 Cheering for the Olympics in Beijing and Hong Kong (左起)中大嘉年華籌委會主席、矯形外科 及創傷學講座教授陳啟明教授、中大校長 劉遵義教授、第二十九屆奧林匹克運動會 馬術比賽(香港)有限公司行政總裁 林煥光先生、沙田區議會韋國洪主席, 以及大埔區議員朱景玄先生主持開幕典禮 (From left) Prof. K. M. Chan, chairman, Organizing Committee of the CUHK Carnival and Professor, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, CUHK; Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Mr. Lam Woon-kwong, chief executive officer, Equestrian Events (Hong Kong) of the Games of the XXIX Olympiad Company Limited; Mr. Wai Kwok-hung, chairman of Sha Tin District Council; and Mr. Chu King-yuen, member of Tai Po District Council officiate at the opening ceremony 中大觀摩團觀看沙灘排球賽事 The CUHK delegation at the beach volleyball match 北 京奧運的氣氛,滲透香港這城市的各角落;每一 個細胞、每一條神經,都為這體壇盛事而躍動。 十二名中大精英運動員,組成「中大傑出運動員觀摩 團」,由體育部導師帶領,於8月11至15日前赴北京觀 賞奧運賽事,為中國打氣,並參觀奧運運動設施。 曾代表香港參加2006年多哈亞運排球的李家明同學說: 「對於今次能夠親身體驗由祖國主辦的奧運賽事,感受 特別深刻。我們欣賞了數場沙灘排球和曲棍球比賽,現 場感受到觀眾對中國運動員的熱烈支持。每有中國隊出 賽,全場都表現得份外興奮,歡呼聲不絕於耳,我們 亦一起為中國隊吶喊助威,忘形地大喊:『中國!加 油!』。」 中國等候多年才成功申辦奧運,有幸親身到北京支持 祖國,實在是非常難得的機會。十二位同學異口同聲 表示觀摩團讓他們獲益良多。中國健兒超水準的表現, 更令這群中大運動員得到啟迪,引以為榜樣。2008年亞 洲大學生手球錦標賽香港代表隊成員趙梓弘同學表示: 「我們必定會更加投入練習,全力拼搏,在自己的專項 上尋求突破,為校爭光。」 在香港,逾一萬二千人次於8月16日到訪中大,參與「中 大嘉年華-支持奧運精神」。這是為配合香港協辦奧運 馬術比賽,並慶祝中大今年踏入四十五周年而舉辦的盛 事,節目精彩豐富,動靜兼備,場面歡欣熱鬧。市民在 校園內鬆弛身心,同時亦增加對奧運、馬術,以及中大 文化傳統和科技成就的認識。 嘉年華貫徹「科技奧運、綠色奧運、人文奧運」三大理 念,充分體現中大對推廣奧運精神、國際友誼和文化的 支持。當日多位運動表現傑出的畢業生獲邀聚首母校, 分享近況,計有泳手趙善穎和余海平、田徑手賴家斌、 三項鐵人陳勁聰和羽毛球員阮元健等。 當天還有「運動醫學及康復治療學術會議2008」及相 關講座,鼓勵市民關注身心健康;大學站旁的「空中藝 廊」、「廣場園遊會」、「馬小百科」展覽,攤位遊戲 及「馬尾比賽」等活動,則讓小朋友寓學習於遊戲,更 滿載獎品而歸。 T he Olympic heat prevailed in Beijing and Hong Kong. Twelve CUHK elite student athletes joined a visiting tour organized by the Physical Education Unit of CUHK from 11- 15 August to cheer for China at the Beijing Olympic Games. The delegation watched the games and visited some of the Olympic sports facilities. Lee Ka-ming, a Hong Kong volleyball representative in the 2006 Doha Asian Games, remarked, ‘As Chinese athletes, we find it particularly meaningful to be able to witness the Olympic Games on our home soil. We watched the beach volleyball and hockey events, and the emotion of the audience was overwhelming. Whenever the Chinese team entered the stadium, the audience would applaud loudly and long, and all of us would join the crowd in chanting ’’Go, China!‘’’. After years of anticipation, China finally became host of the Olympic Games. The five-day tour was a chance of a lifetime for the student athletes who were profoundly inspired by the Chinese contestants. Chiu Tsz-wang, a Hong Kong representative of the 2008 1st Asian University Handball Championship, said, ‘We look up to them as models. After witnessing their achievements, we will practise harder, and strive to excel in our own fields. We hope to achieve better results in the future and make the University proud.’ Back in Hong Kong, over 12,000 people visited CUHK campus on 16 August to participate in the ‘CUHK Carnival – In Support of the Olympic Spirit’ which was aimed at adding fun to the Beijing 2008 Olympic Equestrian Events in Hong Kong, and also celebrating the 45th anniversary of the University. The carnival, which offered a wide array of programmes catering to different interests, proved to be a fun-filled event for the whole family. Visitors were also interested in learning about the cultural heritage and scientific achievements of the University. The carnival showcased the University’s commitment to promoting the Olympics, international friendship and culture, in line with the three key themes of the Beijing Olympics, namely, ‘High-tech Olympics, Green Olympics, People’s Olympics’. It featured a variety of sports-related activities and invited outstanding sportsmen among CUHK graduates to share their experiences. They included swimmers Ms. Caroline Chiu and Mr. Philip Yee, athlete Mr. Lai Ka-pun, triathlon athlete Mr. Derwin Chan and badminton athlete Mr. Yuen Yuen-kin. Members of the public also enjoyed themselves at the Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Therapy Convention 2008 as well as seminars and health checks. The Hanging Gallery, Piazza Fun Fair outside the University Station proved to be wonderful weekend getaways for families. Children had a blast trying to win prizes at the Horse Encyclopaedia Exhibition, Crossword Puzzle and the Pony Tail Contest. 研討會探討文學史中的大眾傳媒 Conference on Mass Media in Literary History 其他消息 Other News 以下消息詳情,請上網閱覽: Details of the following news are available at: 學生領袖會議論環境與健康 Student Leadership Conference on Environment and Health 崇基學生暑期考察計劃 CC Student Summer Intercultural Programme