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The touch and feel of the book has been vastly detached from the reading experience itself due to the digital revolution. So it was all the more precious that, for a week in early November, members of CUHK had a chance to pore over and pick out volumes of their choice. Over 5,000 book lovers had a tête-à-tête with their objet de passions at the Sir Run Run Shaw Hall, thanks to the successful re-run of the I‧CARE Book Fest, now an annual fixture in the humanistic landscape of the University.

The Sir Run Run Shaw Hall is also where the Arts Administrator has her office. Ribble Chung will tell you in 'Thus Spake …' about her task of promoting art and culture on campus and whether the two seemingly contradictory terms arts and administration sit comfortably.

If arts administration requires the two hemispheres of the brain to work together, imagine how a scientist would use his/hers. No imagination is too bold in any scientific innovation; the sky is the limit. Space travel is old news. Intravascular trekking is possible now. The microrobot developed by Prof. Zhang Li travels inside the human body guided by a magnetic device. Its ambulation there is for neither pleasure nor mischief. Think of the immense benefit if it can deliver the right drug straight to the doorstep of the needing organ or cell.

The articles in this issue deserve a leisurely read. Readers should consider his/her coffee option again. Skip to 'CUHK f&b' and find out what's coffee in a cathedral.